Book that Looks and Feels like a Blog

Blogging the Bangsa Moro It’s a collection of my blogposts — from my published newspaper and magazine articles, personal essays, excerpts from academic papers, etc. I started developing my own websites in 1996, before blogging was invented or became popular. i wrote just about everything but mostly about the Bangsa Moro (Moro Nation). I just… Read More Book that Looks and Feels like a Blog

Maluku Besar: Original Name of Mindanao ?

Mindanao could not have been the original name of Mindanao Island. Mindanao was most probably a shorter way of saying Maguindanao. Probably there was an apostrophe to indicate abbreviation – M’indanao. The Dutch, Spanish and the British usually misspell Moro names. In historical documents, the foreigners referred to Qudarat and other Maguindanao sultans as Sultans… Read More Maluku Besar: Original Name of Mindanao ?